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NOw I am here:

Only 13 left to optimize!

haha nice x), GG for finishing the game. there's currently a fierce speedrun battle on the ludum dare website. if you want to compare:

I am not far off!

That 9 and 12 you have some nice strats i dont know off

wow nice times.

I should change the timer system as it doesn't reset from level restart. a leaderborad would also be nice buuuut ...

I'll let you find the strat for level 9 but i didn't find anuthing special in level 12.

True its a bit of a hassle to go to the menu every time. WEll very clean run on 12 than. I didnt think i made many mistakes there. Also I think you are missing a strat on 10 :P

Never found something on 9 and 7 I see no real strategy to improve

accidently closed the game so had to start over. 12 and 13 have better times on the lower one.

This was my first round:

When you get the physics right it is very satifying to play. Great game!